Ao vodka 750ml


Discover Ao Vodka 750ml, a harmonious blend of Japanese rice and pure Kyushu water, distilled using small pot stills and bamboo filtration. Named after the Japanese term “ao,” signifying the lush greens of nature, this vodka offers a clean fragrance of rice, coconut, and sweet mint. Delight in the subtle touch of banana leaves on the palate, culminating in a smooth, warming finish graced by hints of rice pudding. Embrace the essence of Japanese craftsmanship in every sip of Ao Vodka.

6 in stock

SKU: 88857004303 Category:


Introducing Ao Vodka 750ml: An Enchanting Symphony of Japanese Craftsmanship

A Japanese Treasure: Ao Vodka 750ml – Explore the captivating world of Ao Vodka 750ml, a liquid masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of Japanese excellence.

Crafted with Precision: Japanese Rice and Kyushu Water

Immerse yourself in the artistry of Ao Vodka, meticulously crafted from 100% Japanese rice and the purest water sourced from the serene island of Kyushu.

Small Pot Stills and Bamboo Filtration

Witness the magic unfold as Ao Vodka is distilled in small pot stills, and its purity is perfected through the ancient method of bamboo filtration.

The Elegance of Ao: A Name That Resonates

Discover the inspiration behind the name “Ao,” drawing from the Japanese word for “blue,” which symbolizes the myriad shades of green in Japan’s natural wonders.

Aromas of Tranquility: Rice, Coconut, and Sweet Mint

Inhale the clean and serene aromas of Ao Vodka, where notes of rice, coconut, and sweet mint dance in harmonious unison.

Palate Perfection: Banana Leaves and a Smooth Finish

Experience a journey of taste as your palate unveils the subtle allure of banana leaves, leading to a smooth, warming finish adorned with notes of rice pudding.

Elevate Your Moments: Ao Vodka’s Distinct Charisma

Whether sipped neat, mingled in cocktails, or cherished on the rocks, Ao Vodka promises to elevate every moment with its unparalleled charisma.

Where Culture Meets Craft: Ao Vodka’s Journey

Embark on a voyage that echoes the heart of Japanese culture, where Ao Vodka’s unique craftsmanship meets the reverence for nature’s beauty.

Shop with Ease: Online Liquor Shopping

Experience the convenience of securing your prized Ao Vodka 750ml through our Online Liquor Shop, bringing the world of fine spirits to your doorstep.

Enchanting Elixir: Ao Vodka’s Legacy

Indulge in the legacy of Ao Vodka 750ml, a testament to Japan’s rich heritage and dedication to crafting spirits of exceptional quality.

Raise Your Glass: A Toast to Ao Vodka

Raise your glass to Ao Vodka, a masterpiece that invites you to savor the elegance, purity, and enchantment of Japanese artistry in every sip.

Additional information

Weight 5.126 lbs


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